Center for Family Strengthening (CFS),a private non-profit 501(c)(3), receives 70% of its annual budget from individual donors, private grants, private foundations, corporations, and other community organizations with the remaining 30% coming from government contracts to provide critical family services to thousands in our community each year.
What is the mission of Center for Family Strengthening?
In 1988 the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors designated Center for Family Strengthening formerly known as SLO/CAP as the self-governing entity responsible for local efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse and neglect. Center for Family Strengthening is dedicated to strengthening families through education and advocacy. Center for Family Strengthening partners with family support organizations in SLO County to provide resources to families in need, protect children from abuse and neglect, and ensure that strong families are a community priority.
Why did SLO-CAP changed its name?
San Luis Obispo Child Abuse Prevention council changed its name to reflect its core programs and competencies for the prevention of child abuse. Child abuse is preventable by strengthening families and fostering healthy development of children. The new name reflects this family strengthening approach for the prevention of child abuse.
How does the does the Center for Family Strengthening prevent abuse through its programs.
The Center for Family Strengthening partners closely with Family Resource Center agencies as they connect to families in the community. The agencies are trained to recognize the absence of any one of the Five Protective Factors in a family, which may cause significant stress and trigger potential abuse. The Center has established educational programs and services that strengthen the family and address these protective factors in an effort to get the family back on track and prevent abuses.
What Programs do you offer and how much do they cost?
Our programs are free and we have a strong network of services to refer you to help meet your needs.
How effective are these programs in preventing Child Abuse?
Proving the effectiveness of our work is a priority. We have identified performance measures as well as strategies that work, and we are developing qualitative as well as quantitative data for effectiveness for each of our programs. Many of our programs are evidence based, which means we rely on practices that have been proven to work.
We have decreased child abuse in San Luis Obispo County by 12 percent through the achievement of our programs. Learn more at
Where does the money come from to support these programs?
Center for Family Strengthening (CFS),a private non-profit 501(c)(3), receives 70% of its annual budget from individual donors, private grants, private foundations, corporations, and other community organizations with the remaining 30% coming from government contracts to provide critical family services to thousands in our community each year.
How do I donate to a program?
Your donations can be designated to a particular program or donated as an unrestricted gift. To learn more about Center for Family Strengthening go to or call 805 543-6216.
How do I contact you for support services.
To learn more about Center for Family Strengthening go to or call 805 543-6216