The County of San Luis Obispo Preventive Health Grant sponsors the professional coordination services required for a high functioning Promotores Collaborative. Center for Family Strengthening (CFS) provides leadership development and community outreach opportunities so Promotores can grow their capacity to connect Latino neighbors with community resources.

We are so pleased to share the accomplishments of the Promotores Collaborative of San Luis Obispo County during the past year.

  • Trained Promotores provided over 360 hours at food bank distribution sites around SLO County promoting self-sufficiency in meeting food needs.  This project is in collaboration with the Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County through a USDA Community Food Project Grant.
  • 29 Home Visits were conducted for families with special needs children by Promotores who serve as bilingual coaches/mentors trained to help families understand the multiple resources available. In 2017, the San Luis Obispo County Promotores Collaborative joined Parents Helping Parents to help families improve access to services provided by the Tri-County Regional Center.
  • Certified Promotores Mental Health Interpreters served a total of 181 families receiving County Mental Health Services. The Latino Mental Health Enhancement Collaborative compliments the contract Promotores has with the County of San Luis Obispo BehavioralHealth Dept. through the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA).


Latina Action Day in Sacramento. 6 Promotoras attended this conference in May 2018 and learned about new public policy issues. This one-day conference is designed to facilitate dialogue between corporate and community Latina leaders and elected officials on public policy effecting the Latinos in California.
Parent Leadership Convening. 10 Promotores participated in this event recognizing Parent Leaders for their dedication to strong communities held in partnership with San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties in February 2018.